Into Apple, Meta, and Google will be EU investigations

Due to anticompetitive actions, the EU has opened investigations against some of the largest tech companies globally.

Into Apple, Meta, and Google will be EU investigations
Into Apple, Meta, and Google will be EU investigations
The Digital Markets Act (DMA), which was enacted in 2022, is being investigated for possible violations against Meta, Apple, and Alphabet, the company that runs Google.

The companies may be hit with hefty fines equal to 10% of their yearly revenue if it is determined that they violated the regulations.

The investigations were announced on Monday by Thierry Breton, the president of industry, and Margrethe Vestager, the head of EU antitrust.

The DMA imposes requirements on only six corporations, including Alphabet, Apple, Meta, Amazon, Microsoft, and ByteDance, which are the largest tech companies globally.

Actually, none of the companies are situated in Europe; instead, ByteDance is headquartered in Beijing, and five of the companies are based in the US.

Two weeks after delivering their well-crafted compliance reports, three of them are now being questioned.

It happens three weeks after Apple was fined €1.8 billion (£1.5 billion) by the EU for violating competition regulations over music streaming.

Meanwhile, in a historic lawsuit against the tech giant unveiled last week, the US accused Apple of controlling the smartphone market.

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