Watch the moment Stonebwoy stopped a fan from filming dancer’s ass

Ghanaian dancehall incredible Livingston Etse Setekla, referred to in front of an audience as Stonebwoy, isn’t content with a bustling fan filming the ass of a lady who was twerking in front of an audience.

In a video located by, rather than partaking in the exhibition of Stonebwoy, the person, who has been recognised as Sheena Adams, is seen hectically catching the video vixen while shaking her butt more.

Stonebwoy, who saw what the youngster was doing, snatched the cell phone with flashlights on and tossed it into the appearing swarm as the person looks on shocked.

A few individuals from the cross stopped to get a brief look at what was happening among Stonebwoy and the person.

Stonebwoy proceeded with his performance, singing his element “Activate,” which features Nigerian music star, Davido.

The episode is accounted for to have happened on Sunday night ( November 7, 2021) at the Branch in Accra.

Young men grasping or getting female exhibitions are not new particularly at a dance club and indoor occasions.

Perhaps Stonebwoy knew what the youngster was hectically catching and what he planned to utilise it for.

Source : pulse news

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