Globally, democracy is eroding, claims Prof. Diamond.

Since the 2008 financial crisis, the world economy has not been doing well, and people are frequently dissatisfied with the way their governments have handled their economies.

That seems to be a problem in Ghana. According to the Afro-barometer, people in Africa continue to hold high expectations for democracy. and a strong belief in democracy. However, their dissatisfaction with their existing governments is common.

He promoted the need to fight corruption and the expansion of democracy throughout the world.

The reason why more democracies appear to be failing is that they frequently cede authoritarian authority through military takeovers, as we have seen in West Africa.

We still have a long way to go before we can demonstrate that democracy is tenable and can even grow stronger. should strengthen the rule of law and combat corruption,” he believed.

Globally, democracy is eroding, claims Prof. Diamond.
Globally, democracy is eroding, claims Prof. Diamond.

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