5 facts to be aware of regarding Trump’s fraud trial in New York

5 facts to be aware of regarding Trump's fraud trial in New York

1. There are enormous stakes

A loss would be catastrophic for the real estate enterprise that launched him to national prominence well before he entered the presidential race.


These assets make up a sizable portion of his personal wealth and sense of self. Forbes Magazine calculated earlier this year that the value of his homes in New York alone is $720 million out of his projected $2.5 billion.

Mr. Trump has frequently expressed his delight in his accomplishments in the New York real estate market.

For instance, Mr. Trump cited his “many great buildings” that he has constructed and owned as his greatest achievement outside of his family in a 2015 interview with Bella NYC magazine.

A victory for prosecutors would mean that Mr Trump and his company would have to pay a $250m fine and be banned from doing business in New York, prising Trump Tower and the rest of his holdings from his grasp.

His appearance in court implies that he is aware of the seriousness of the situation.