The average cost of full car insurance went up 26% in 2024. Here are the states with the biggest increase

Amica Auto Insurance

Amica Auto Insurance
  • Policy highlights

    Amica provides a range of auto insurance plans to meet your need for coverage. Additionally, the business provides a total of eighteen discounts, which include student and bundle discounts.

    If you continue with one provider for various insurance types, you might potentially save more money by combining insurance coverage.

What influences the cost of auto insurance?

The following elements, according to the insurance information, have a significant impact on your premiums if you’re searching for more ways to cut them:.


Your credit rating.Your credit history may be taken into account by insurance companies in several states when determining your auto insurance rates. Because of this, raising your credit score may result in lower auto insurance costs.
Your history of driving.You should steer clear of dangerous driving situations and make sure your insurance doesn’t lapse. It’s quite beneficial to compare rates with multiple providers if you have a history of DUIs, speeding tickets, or other driving violations on your record. You may start by looking through our list of the top auto insurance companies for drivers that pose a high risk.

Your car.It matters what you drive as well. Certain automobile models cost extra to insure, according to Allstate. However, you may be eligible for a car insurance discount if your vehicle has specific integrated security measures.
Your modes of transportation.You can anticipate greater premiums the more you drive.
Your personal data.When determining your premiums, an insurance provider also takes your age and gender into account.


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