Fetish priest nabbed for using fake money

A fetish priest has been nabbed and proceeded to court for possessing fake money and defrauding by false pretence.

The Koforidua circuit court presided by Mercy Adei-Kotey granted bail to the fetish priest in the sum of GHC150,000 with two sureties.

Richard Vormawor, 43 who happens to be thew accused pleaded not guilty in court to the charge of preparation to commit crime to wit, defrauding by false pretence.

Presiding judge of the case Mercy Adei Kotey postponed the case for Ricahard popularly known as Nana Buame, to re-appear on May 6, 2021.

Chief Inspector Owusu Ababio presented the fact of the case that in recent times, the Koforidua district police command had been bombarded with complaints of people being defrauded by a fetish priest under the pretext of doubling money for them.

On April 4, around 1pm, Police General Lance Corporal Eric Akpai who was performing duty at the Nkurakan barrier, near Koforidua spotted the accused on board a Hyundai mini bus heading towards Koforidua.

After searching the vehicle, the police officer discovered seven bundles of GHC20 notes and two bundles of GHC10 notes suspected to be counterfeit in the possession of the accused person.

Richard was then arrested and brought to the police station for the necessary questioning. Richard told the police that the bundles of money were rather plain white papers he had cut in the form of GHC10 and GHC20 notes covered with original cedi notes.

The accused could not give any tangible reason when questioned about his intentions, suggesting that he was on a mission to defraud the unsuspecting public with an old trick according to the prosecution team.

He was then charged and arraigned before court.


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