Desired galamseyer once ordered the closure of Axim schools due to his misplaced mobile phone, according to MCE

Dorcas Amoah, the municipal chief executive (MCE) of the Western region’s Nzema East Electoral Area, has disclosed that wanted ‘galamseyer’ Kwame Ato Asare Ani once gave an order to close local schools over of misplaced mobile phone.

Desired galamseyer once ordered the closure of Axim schools due to his misplaced mobile phone, according to MCE
Desired galamseyer once ordered the closure of Axim schools due to his misplaced mobile phone, according to MCE


She added that there was confusion because the misplaced mobile phone happened during a local burial.

Before the youngster and students could go to school, the MCE claims that the Educational Director, REGSEC, instructors, and community stakeholders had to intervene to get things under control.

She remarked: “The first time I heard of him (Kwame Ato Asare Ani) was when some settler farmers were having a burial, resulting in mayhem in the town, in an interview with Peace FM’s Evening News on April 3, 2023.

The case is still pending in court, thus he was detained at the time. But, the majority of the settler farmers were from the North, and they informed me that Kwame Ato Asare Ani had claimed his phone was missing in the midst of the pandemonium and that if it wasn’t found, no child should be allowed to attend school.

“People had already started removing their children from the schools, so I had to come in and go there with the Educational Director, REGSEC, and other heads of department to meet the different schools and instructors to discuss the matter.


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