One of the subjects of the revile has hurried to the Prophet to look for absolution.
In a video located by GhanaWeb, a self-declared minister known as Manasseh The Game Changer, remained before Prophet Bempah and his gathering to ask for pardoning taking note of that he was shrunk by certain people to criticize the Prophet.
In his admission, Manasseh noticed that he was asked by a Ghanaian couple situated in Germany to project defamations and allusions on the prophet in return for a German visa.
He noticed that because of voyaging documentation issues, he was saved in Portugal for quite a long time where he looked for haven.
As per Manasseh, he was continually trained over the time of his haven to record recordings and sounds going after the prophet in return for a possible travel to Germany.
He anyway said he later had a difference as a main priority realizing that Rev Owusu Bempah was blameless of his different allegations against him.
“I guaranteed God that assuming that he assists me with obtaining my reports, I will pick a flight and come and ask for pardoning from Papa. So anything that revile he expressed out of agony will be switched and not influence my age regardless of whether it influence me,” he said in the midst of tears.
Manasseh noticed that his activities were fuelled by a specific secrecy which incorporates a specific previous fixation priestess.
On his part, Prophet Owusu Bempah portrayed the activity by Manasseh as a demonstration of development expressing that he has excused him.

Watch video below:
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