To prevent an undue dependence on loans, let’s maintain the E-levy — GRA to Ghanaians



The Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) deputy commissioner in charge of strategy, research, policy, and programming, Dr. Charles Addae, has argued in favor of keeping the controversial electronic transaction known as the E-levy in place.

To prevent an undue dependence on loans, let's maintain the E-levy — GRA to Ghanaians
To prevent an undue dependence on loans, let’s maintain the E-levy — GRA to Ghanaians

He emphasized that the e-levy was successful in generating almost 1.2 billion cedis in revenue last year, despite encountering strong opposition.

On the fringes of the commencement of a two-day symposium entitled “Taxing Mobile Money-Lessons and Ways Forward,” Dr. Addae shared his opinions on the subject.

The GRA worked with the International Centre for Tax and Development (ICTD) to organize the conference.

He explained that government activities and programs were greatly aided by the funds raised from the e-levy.


“We are pleading that it’s better we sustain the current generation value raised to cushion the economy,” he stated, despite talks that the tax would be eliminated soon. If not, we would rely too heavily on borrowing.