Mahama unfit to process losing to me in 2016, 2020 – Akufo-Addo derides

President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo has affirmed that previous president John Dramani Mahama has restless evenings tolerating that he has lost two progressive races to him.

Mahama unfit to process losing to me in 2016, 2020 - Akufo-Addo derides
Mahama unfit to process losing to me in 2016, 2020 – Akufo-Addo derides

Akufo-Addo holds that it is the inability to acknowledge his appointive misfortunes that has set off Mahama to make specific hard-hitting remarks about him and his administration.

“Mr. Mahama actually has not had the option to absorb his loss two times to the one who he had said would never come to drive in Ghana and I think each night when he hits the hay, he is confounded about the one who has returned as well as given him a decent whipping on two separate events.

“We won the avalanche in 2016 and again conclusive edge in 2020. He has never got the figures that I have in decisions in Ghana, he knows” Akufo-Addo said in a meeting on Ho-based Stone City FM days prior.

He holds that analysis of his administration was a way by Mahama and his allies to garbage the headway his administration kept on making regardless of difficulties within reach.

“He realizes that critical headway and accomplishments have been made and that it is vital for himself as well as his allies to slander that activity, to make a special effort and to crap all that we have done,” he added.

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