DJ Switch begins secondary school in the United States of America

Scarcely two years after 2017 Talented Kids champ, Erica Armah Bra-Bulu Tandoh, famously known as DJ Switch, migrated to the United States of America, she has enlisted into a secondary school at age 14.

DJ Switch at her High School

The youthful DJ spread the word about it in a web-based entertainment post that she has been confessed to Chaminade College Preparatory, a confidential Catholic school in Los Angeles.

DJ Switch likewise demonstrated that she was venturing into another section of her life and said thanks to her folks and a few others for aiding her through her life’s process.

“Welcome to the new section in my life… First day of school @chaminadeccp… Soaring like an Eagle, Switch up! Much thanks to you to my folks/family, my group for getting this going,” she subtitled an Instagram post on August 22, 2022.

Alongside her post were five photos of her wearing a school uniform while remaining on a football pitch wearing a white shirt over a dark skirt.

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