‘I buried pregnant woman for former Ashaiman MP, Alfred Agbesi’ – Taxi driver tells court

The accused driver was on Monday, September 13 arraigned before the Circuit Court presided over by Her Honour Rosemond Baah Torsu.


Per the brief facts presented to the court by the Prosecutor, sometime in September 2021, the attention of Police was drawn to a statement made or published on the “Maakye show on Onua Television station by the accused to the effect that, he buried alive a pregnant woman at Ashaiman.

According to him, upon the receipt of this information, Police launched investigation into the matter which led to the arrest of the accused.

He said preliminary investigation revealed that accused is a taxi driver and resides at Wejia, Accra.

He said, it was also established during investigation that on 2 September, 2021 at Onua TV morning show namely “Maakye” with the host Captain Smart, the accused in a response to a question from the host stated that he accused has killed several persons in the past.

The Prosecutor said, the accused “also stated that he buried a pregnant woman alive at Ashiaman to perform sacrifice for Alfred Agbesi [The former MP for Ashaiman).”

“However Police is yet to extend investigation to locate the scene
of the alleged buried and other persons mentioned by the accused person,”
 he told the court.

Felix pleaded not guilty to the charge of Publication of false news contrary to section 208(1) of the Criminal Offences Act, 1960 Act 29.

He was remanded into police custody to reappear on September 16 for the court to reconsider the bail application.


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