COVID-19 vaccination compulsory: Police to inspect vaccine cards from next year

According to the GHS, the mandatory vaccination policy will be expanded in phases to cover all groups based on information gathered from the pilot.

Health Minister, Mr Kwaku Agyeman-Manu, announced the modalities at the launch of the National Vaccination Month in Accra on Wednesday, December 1.

According to a report by Daily Graphic, the Minister said the declaration of December as National Vaccination Month was to enable people targeted under the mandatory vaccine policy, as well as the entire population, to get vaccinated before the policy enforcement began in January 2022.

Under the initial implementation of the mandatory vaccine policy, certain groups of the population and patrons and workers of certain recreational and sporting venues must get vaccinated compulsorily,” he said.

Meanwhile, from January 2022, the police will be inspecting the vaccination cards of all commercial drivers and motorbike riders to ensure that they have taken the COVID-19 shot.

Also, workers of all government institutions and health facilities will not be allowed into their workplaces if they do not show their vaccination certificates, while absence from work for this reason will deprive a worker of his or her salary.

Students 15 years or above, as well as all teaching and non-teaching staff, of secondary and tertiary institutions are also expected to be vaccinated before the next academic year.

Patrons and workers of all restaurants, stadiums, beaches and nightclubs are also expected to be vaccinated mandatorily and show proof before entry into such places.

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