Following identity verification, a traveler is taken directly to the front of the TSA security queue by a Clear staffer.

Line-skipping has made some other tourists feel unfairly treated and frustrated because they lack access to Clear memberships or cannot pay them. The government-run TSA Pre-Check program will set you back $78 over the course of five years.

The bill’s Democratic sponsor, Sen. Josh Newman, stated in a statement to CNN that “when it comes to getting through airport security, the quality of that experience shouldn’t be contingent on a traveler’s income or willingness to pay.”

According to Newman, travelers who are not enrolled in Clear face the humiliation of being shifted aside to make room for those who are. “This is unfair, especially considering that airport security services are initially paid for with their taxes.”

Clear provides expedited service in nine Californian airports. Legislative research on the bill indicates that roughly 10% of California visitors are Clear members.